When looking for the time a farm starts, we can look at the farm’s website or in their Telegram group, but we don’t have to rely on second-hand information. In order to identify the block when farming rewards start, we can read the MasterChef contract.
We’ll use this contract as an example: MasterChef (0x2e47630f1a7807b596267361f9DD4C534632Ae98)
If you need to find the MasterChef contract, please refer to this article: How to find the MasterChef
When you open the contract page and click on “Read Contract” you find a section called startBlock.
In this case the startBlock is: 15348888
Now you know when the farm start, but be aware if the timelock is not yet the owner of the MasterChef, the developer of the farm can change time startBlock.
If you want to find out how to check whether the Timelock contract is already the owner of the MasterChef you can read the this article: Verify Timelock