*Publicidad pagada. No es asesoramiento financiero. RugDoc no se hace responsable de los proyectos aquí expuestos. DYOR y mantente seguro.

Resources for Learning Solidity

This article gives a brief overview and useful links for getting started in learning Solidity – the dominant language for yield farm contracts and DeFi in general.

New to Programming? #

Solidity is a very challenging language for those who are new to programming, a better place to start would be Python: check this Reddit thread for resources on getting started.

Courses & Tutorials #

CryptoZombies is an interactive school that teaches you all things technical about blockchains. Learn to make smart contracts in Solidity or Libra by making your own crypto-collectibles game.

Capture the Ether is a game in which you hack Ethereum smart contracts to learn about security.

Our yield-farm specific guide to checking for potential hard rugs.
Cómo Utilizar Diffcheck para Comprobar el Contrato de MasterChef de una Nueva Farm

Intro to the Remix IDE and working with testnets
learnxinyminutes: Solidity

Ethereum Blockchain Developer Guide

OpenZeppelin documentation

Emurgo – certified courses for blockchain development

1729 – earn bounties for completing tasks & tutorials

Useful Tools #

Remix – Ethereum IDE Remix is a browser based development environment for Solidity.

diffchecker Use diffchecker to compare farms’ MasterChefs

openzeppelin-contracts/ERC20.sol ERC20 implementation on GitHub.

Binance Smart Chain: Faucet You’ll need testnet BNB when it comes time to experiment on the testnet

Masterchefs @ wiki.rugdoc.io #

Commonly Forked MasterChefs

Endings of Commonly Forked MasterChefs

Exploits y Rug Codes

Actualizado el agosto 19, 2021
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*Publicidad pagada. No es asesoramiento financiero. RugDoc no se hace responsable de los proyectos aquí expuestos. DYOR y mantente seguro.