This article gives a brief overview and useful links for getting started in learning Solidity – the dominant language for yield farm contracts and DeFi in general.
New to Programming? #
Solidity is a very challenging language for those who are new to programming, a better place to start would be Python: check this Reddit thread for resources on getting started.
Courses & Tutorials #
CryptoZombies is an interactive school that teaches you all things technical about blockchains. Learn to make smart contracts in Solidity or Libra by making your own crypto-collectibles game.
Capture the Ether is a game in which you hack Ethereum smart contracts to learn about security.
Our yield-farm specific guide to checking for potential hard rugs.
How To Use Diffcheck to Check a New Farm’s MasterChef Contract
Intro to the Remix IDE and working with testnets
learnxinyminutes: Solidity
Ethereum Blockchain Developer Guide
OpenZeppelin documentation
Emurgo – certified courses for blockchain development
1729 – earn bounties for completing tasks & tutorials
Useful Tools #
Remix – Ethereum IDE Remix is a browser based development environment for Solidity.
diffchecker Use diffchecker to compare farms’ MasterChefs
openzeppelin-contracts/ERC20.sol ERC20 implementation on GitHub.
Binance Smart Chain: Faucet You’ll need testnet BNB when it comes time to experiment on the testnet
Masterchefs @ #
Commonly Forked MasterChefs
Endings of Commonly Forked MasterChefs
Exploits and Rug Codes