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How to use SushiSwap

Sushi.com is very simple. You don’t need to create an account and all you need is a cryptocurrency wallet and some tokens or Ether. In this article, we will discuss how to use SushiSwap.

How to Swap tokens on SushiSwap #

Step 1: Go to https://app.sushi.com/swap

Step 2: Connect your wallet to SushiSwap

Step 3: Select the token you want to swap from and enter the amount. If you cannot find the token you want, you can search the “Token Contract Address” in Etherscan and paste it into the search bar on SushiSwap’s exchange.

Step 4: Double-check your transaction details, the click “Swap”.


Step 5: Wait for the transaction to complete and your new tokens will appear in your wallet automatically.

How to Add Liquidity to SushiSwap #

Step 1: Go to https://app.sushi.com/swap

Step 2: Connect your wallet to SushiSwap

Step 3: Go to the “Liquidity” tab and select the input tokens to create your pool.

Step 4: Click Approve at the bottom to allow SushiSwap to access the tokens

Step 5: Click “Confirm Adding Liquidity”. It’s done!


How to Earn Yield #

Step 1: Go to https://app.sushi.com/swap

Step 2: Connect your wallet to SushiSwap

Step 3: You need to add liquidity to the yield farming pair first. You can do so by following the previous steps in How To Add Liquidity.

Step 4: Select the farm or Onsen pair you wish to join and deposit your Sushi Liquidity Provider tokens into the farm by entering the amount, and click “Deposit” 

Step 5: Approve the relevant fees and start growing your $SUSHI, farming will start immediately once the transaction completes.

How to Stake $SUSHI #

Step 1: Go to https://app.sushi.com/swap

Step 2: Connect your wallet to SushiSwap

Step 3: Make sure you have $SUSHI to stake in your wallet and click “Stake” 

Step 4: Enter the amount of SUSHI tokens you want to stake then click “Confirm Staking.”

Step 5: Approve the transaction in your wallet and it’s done.

Conclusion #

The above-mentioned items are some of the features that SushiSwap provides. We hope this helps you with exploring the Sushi World!


How to Get Started on Sushi. (n.d.). SuShi. Retrieved December 23, 2021, from https://docs.sushi.com/how-to-get-started-on-sushi

Updated on December 24, 2021
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*Paid Advertisement. Not financial advice. RugDoc is not responsible for the projects showcased here. DYOR and ape safu.